Sunday, May 13, 2012


Below are my collections of sweet words of love I've collected since my highschool time. Hope this may help you who are in love right now in some way. Most of them are short, you can put it in your facebook (or other social networking profile) status, write it in a card, or you can just simply send it using SMS by your mobile phone
Good luck!

Reasons Why I Love You

There are three reasons why I love you:
1. ...
2. ...
3. ...
Actually, there are no reasons. I just do.
My love for you is like getting a diarrhea, I just can't hold it in.
If my love is a question, I'm sure u are the answer


Love you a little bit more

I love you a little bit more when you call me honey
I love you a little bit more when you hold my hand
I love you a little bit more when you hug me.

I love you a little bit more. Every day.


If I never met you, I wouldn't like you.
If I didn't like you I wouldn't love you.
If I didn't love you I wouldn't miss you.
But I did, I do and I always will
If loving you is wrong, then I don't want to be right!
If loving you is a crime. I'd like to be jailed for my whole life, in your heart.


I love you. Like a fat kid loves cakes.


If you have 1000 years of age, I just want to have 999 years and 364 days, so I never have to live a day without you

I love thee

I Love thee, I love but thee. With a love that shall not die. Till the sun grows cold, and the stars grow old.~William Shakespeare

Wouldn't be

The sun wouldn't be Red, the sea wouldn't be blue, the stars wouldn't be bright, I wouldn't be happy without you.

When I don't message you

When I don't message you.Doesn't mean.
I forgot about you.
I was just giving you time.

To miss me.


My love for you is a journey. Starting at forever and ending at never.


My love is as boundless as the sea,My love as deep.
The more I give to thee, the more I have. For both are infinite.
~ William Shakespare

Days without you

Without you my days are "Sadday,"Moanday, "Tearsday, "Wasteday, "Thirstday, "Fightday", and "Shatterday"

How Rich I Am

I opened my wallet and I find it empty, reached into my pocket and found a few coins, searched my heart and I found you!
Then I realized how rich I am.

Time to Time

365Days dreaming of you.8760Hr thinking of you.
525600Mins missing you.
315360000Milisec just wanted to tell you how much you mean to me.

Fell from Heaven

Dear, did it hurt when you fell from Heaven? I think, I need to call God because He have lost His most beautiful Angel.

Behind you

Behind your smile, I know there are sorrows.Behind your laughters, I know there are tears.
But I want you to know that, behind you is me who always care for you.

Only one you

There are 12 Months in a year.4 weeks in a month.
7 days in a week.
24 Hrs in a day.
But there's only one you in a life time.

The sweetest

Sweet-Cotton candy? Nope! Chocolate syrup? Nah!
Let me see.. How about sugar? Of course not!
There is nothing as sweet as you

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sunday Story ..

hye .. sameqkom semua. hppy xsunday towk ?? hope appy jak2 lah ow.. pgi tadik.. lupak mao g skolh . ada kelas pafa. ahey bgun. harap ustaz xmarah lah . :) n best ny tewk, meq owg g BBQ kat umah aunty kt lopeng.tolong owg panggang sayap manuk, buntut manuk, hot dog.. bnyk gyk lh. kol 7 mlm tewk.. bowk balit juak g cyha.pat buang strez. g hutan..dgr bunyi burung bekicau jak ...n the nyte mud lain pulg. balit jak umah trus gurin.. tgk konsertmania. hppy juak, owg yg aku minat masuk fainal. hehe.. love aril and hazama. haha .. tp, tba2 jak xda mud tewk. dh gwek pn lmbat eply..ntah pa ndak di polh ny kat cyha.lepaksampey tnh mlm. msti minum2 jakkeja ny. aku borg lh kat rumah nggu mcj ny sampey .. aku borg, my ny lagik lebih borg ny dri aku .. kn?? haih.. aku pun xtauk lah!! malas maok pk. buat sakit palak kdrk jak. kta pk sal ny, ada ndak ny pkpasalkta. tgk mcj lam hp ny, ukan aku sowg jakny mcj. xpa lah .. buat2 butak jak. ya lah aku penah padah.. BIAR AKU KDAK OWG BODO, XTAUK APA2 PASAL KWU.MOWK BULAK KA, APA KA.. SUKA ATY LAH COZ AKU SYG KWU ! tauk pasal ny pun, dera perasaan jak ... btw, i miss him .. :( ny maok jumpa tgh2 mlm dak towk . ney lh dpat ... mmy ada. mmy xda pown, xtentu pat kua gyk. sory bie?? coz xslalu dpat spend time ngn bie... ukn sengaja pown. harap bie pahamlah ow?? layan juak tgk ceta LAGENDA BUDAK SETAN tewk . teringt seseorg jak. hehe .. fasyah marudi.. lamak xcarik aku ny. ntah g cney ny yha kah. kali dh ada gwek.. xpalah. jnji ny bhgia... :) bh ya jak lah .. maok cau lowk. dadaaaa .. tggu ceta yg seretrus ny kea?? bye u all.mmmwwwaachxz!! syg taqowg. terutamany you so much!! :)

Friday, May 11, 2012


. camekowm .. pa kabar taq owg semua ?? hope sihat2 jak lah kea . ceta ari towk.. adayg menyeramkn, sampey aku maok histeria !! hehe .. on the maok agak umah kwn tewk, asuknowk slalu teman aku g skolh pandey maok gigit aku. sikit gyk maok kena gigit. nasib ada kuas teriak yang kuat tewk.. takut asuk .. hehex. bodo2 .. benci dah aku tgk asuk yha. mengacau ketebteraman hidup jak!! dah la ank jiran ktawakan tewk. spoil alu jak ... :'( malu!

spend masa an kwn2 tewk ..  best jog ngn cdak ny . :) n x ketggalan juak,my love. ada g jmpa an ny tewk .. happy pat luang msa ngn ny. walau pun kejap lah .. syg an ny so much. tp,yg sad ny .. my fwen bnyk nasihat aq, spaya jgag diri. i know it... i know my fwen love me , so that why them takecre with me . but, i try my best to change him. coz aq ikhlas gwek an ny. betol lah cinta itu buta. kdak ck=gku isham padh, CINTA ITU BUTA, SEBAB ITU ORG BRCINTA TERABA-RABA .. haha.

aq harap pat jumpa ngn cinta aku lagik .. mizz an ny gilak2. :) love u bie.. kea lah . bye.. tumpang lalu . have are nice day u all.. 

Thursday, May 10, 2012


setelah sekian lama aku menghilang... :)

hye.. sameqkom kpd viewer blog towk .. lamak x update blog. xda masa maok on9.. huh .. bnyk kisah menalda aku .:) aq hadapidgn tabh. kerna itu memh lumrah alam... mcm2 terjadi lam idup aku.:) :( :D 
aku dah x ngn ny lagik . harap ny selalu maaf kn aku . aku tggl kn kwu ukan sbb aku dah ada owg lain . memg xda niat lgsung pun . tp xhal lah . aq trimak jak . kwu maok bencik aku ka x.. terserah. aku harap kwu jumpa an owg yg lebih bait dari aku .... 

xmaok ceta sedih2. mulakn dgn gaya hidup baru .. ada peneman bru dalam hidup ku. :) aq xsangka ny carik aq balit, setelah sekian lamk xbetego n lgsung xpenah tgga ny. ingat dah kiamat dunia towk. hahaha!! btw.. aq gembira gilak2. ada juak rasa miss ngn ny .. bencik ada juak . kalau di pk2 hal dolok. tp, malas lah maok ungkit. owg dah maok kwn an kta.. kta trimak lah. boh jual mahal gilak . mena x?? hehe .. aq was2 bena ny. pahal ny pandey carik aq gyk?? saja maok ngcoaq atau nang ikhlas maok berbait an aq ...... argh!! malas pk lah. aq tetap ngnpendirian aq . aq hargai owg yg syg an aku .. n aku ukan owg yg suka pendam atau dendam perasaan bencik an owg. aq marah pun .. kejap jak . ehe, I LOVE HIM SO MUCH !!
Purple Heart BackgroundPurple Heart BackgroundMario Walking